hiii welcome to my website <3 this site has a little bit of whatever i'd like to be on it, but i mostly plan on using this site to host my art, info about my characters, and so on. all the links to my various works and archives can be found on the right, click and check them out!

NOTICE - my work, and therefore my website, is rated for teen and up audiences. viewers should be at least 16, i'm not here to babysit!
who is Hazard?
i should also mention that i'm a bit rusty with this site and pretty much everything is a work in progress! as such, some pages may not be accessible yet, some images may break etc. i apologize in advance for any of this, but i hope you enjoy my little corner of the web nevertheless!
exactly what it says on the tin, more info about me and other things related to yours truly!
Hazard's art
art has been a passion of mine for as long as i can remember, it's pretty much my one consistent hobby. check out this small archive, portfolio-sque page of my personal and commercial work!
who's who? (WIP)
my silly animal characters, many of whom may appear in my art! because my roster of characters is ridiculously high, not EVERY character of mine will be included, mostly reoccurring characters, or my 'mains' as you could call them
dope web stuff
i love the internet, you love the internet, HUMANITY loves the internet! sadly. that being said, this is where i enjoy archiving not only websites i find cool, but also niche stuff like old web decor and whatnot! keep in mind nothing here is by me, i'm just saving it